Client Resources

Logging in to this exclusive Client Resources area is the privilege of our LifeSpan™ clients and their families.

Resources available only here include printed materials and videos of LifeSpan Learning Solution™ programs, the most recent LifeSpan Client Organizer™ and the calendar of LifeSpan Learning Solution™ programs for the current year.

If you or your family members watch one of the complete video programs on-line, be sure to send us an email to let us know. This helps qualify your family as ‘participating’ in the Family Education Program™.

If you do not know the username and password, call our client services coordinator.

Please use discretion about sharing the access codes! We want you and your family ‘Helpers’ to have the information, but people who are not clients have not paid anything to have access to this material. Don’t give it away for free!